Mind, Body, Soul Care
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” ~ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Mind. Body. Soul.
Yes, friend – you have work to do for the Kingdom. But in the midst of all the to-dos and to-bes, you must prioritize tending to the body, mind and soul that the Lord has given you – because how can you serve Him well if you are operating from a state of deficit instead of fullness?
Self-care … stewardship … whatever you want to call it – prioritizing this is NOT indulgent – it is a means of ensuring that your ministry is of maximum impact. You CANNOT pour from an empty cup. It’s time to create space – or MORE space – for body, mind and soul care.
As a wisdom-collector, I’ve gathered a few of my favorite self-care supports here! Be sure to sign-up for my email list, as well, so that you can stay current on all my favorite things!
The following content may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Please contact me with questions.
Sometimes, we just need someone to hold space for us. Hear us out. And hold up a Holy-Spirit-led mirror to help us identify what’s holding us back so we can step boldly into deeper peace, purpose and JOY. Book a free exploratory call so you can take hold of all that God has for you!
She Considers a Field Podcast
Encouragement and equipping for the Christian homeschooling entrepreneur … anytime you need it! Subscribe on Apple Podcast or Spotify or Youtubeto be fortified and uplifted for this journey.
She Considers a Field Community
Who couldn’t use more like-minded friends? Come join our Facebook community to connect with women of faith who are committed to holding fast to Jesus – whether they’re currently homeschooling and building a business, or they simply want to walk in all God has for them! Tune in for live encouragement 3pm ET every Monday.
Books Every Woman of Faith Needs in Her Library
You don’t have to hang out with me long to hear me pull in conversations about excellent faith books as well as secular books that have captured a Kingdom principle in a powerful way. Download my list of all-time favorites and find out why I love them so! Be sure to let me know what you’d add to the list, I’m always looking for new suggestions!
Somewhere along the way of having babies and losing sleep, health started to feel *complicated*. You, too? Allow me to share a product line that has allowed me to regain my energy … mental margin … and hormone health, while supporting my hair + skin health, too! Who doesn’t want to look their best AND feel their best? Text the word MODERE to 704.810.1181 for my current favorites and a $25 off coupon link, too!
Anyone besides me struggle to create routine around exercise / movement? If you need help catching rhythm like I do in this area, Lindywell is my *favorite* app – pilates made easy. Strengthen and take care of your body in as little as 10 minutes a day; there’s a segment for breathwork, as well. They even recommend your daily workout for you, depending on how you want to feel! If this sounds like what you need, Get $20 off here!
Kacelia System
If you can’t tell already, I’m a crunchy girl. I love natural solutions that work with my body instead of against it. The Kacelia System is one of my favorite wellness tools to help bring our bodies into better alignment. Designed by a chiropractor, it gently uses your body weight to help your muscles and spine get into proper alignment. Click here for $45 off the system, or contact me with questions!
Naptime Faith
Sometimes, we need a visible reminder of what the Word tells us, anyone besides me? My favorite source for faith-based clothing, jewelry, wall hangings and MORE is Naptime Faith! Their stuff is SO much more than the average Christian t-shirt – from hymns to powerful Biblical Truth to inspiring words, they’ve got it ALL! Head on over here and use coupon code SHECONSIDERSAFIELD to get 15% off your order!
Just Like Paradise Beach House
Just Like Paradise Beach House (Oak Island, North Carolina) – Listen. Whether it’s a solo retreat, a getaway for you and your husband, or a family vacation, time to unwind is NOT negotiable. If you’re looking to have your next getaway include getting your toes in the sand, my family and I would LOVE to host you at our dream-come-true haven, Just Like Paradise in beautiful Oak Island, NC. A block from the beach on a quiet street, complete with beautiful back porch, hot tub and fire pit, this house is the perfect place to truly unwind (here’s a peek at my favorite spot in the house!). Use discount code PODCAST100 at this link for $100 off your next stay!
Overwhelmed to Overcomer Guide
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Overloaded? Like there’s just too much? Grab my free guide to help you ditch the overwhelm and achieve true clarity on your most important, transformative next step – and how you’ll achieve it!
Visioning for Your New Year Guide
It’s never too late to get a fresh vision for your year! Although this guide is most popular during the month of January, if you need clarity about what your “why” is for this next season of your life, this guide is for you, no matter the time of year!
Thrive Through the Holidays Guide
We all know that feeling that starts to creep in sometime in November – the pace of the year starts to speed up … rest feels harder to catch … the to-do list runs longer … and yet, it’s such a whimsical, beautiful, HOLY time of year, too. Grab this guide to ensure this next Christmas truly is the MOST WONDERFUL time of the year!
(Note: Unlike the Visioning guide, this guide is TRULY seasonal – no need to download if it’s not fall-speeding-towards-Christmas!)
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Overwhelmed to Overcomer
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Overloaded? Like there’s just too much? Grab my free guide to help you ditch the overwhelm and achieve true clarity on your most important, transformative next step – and how you’ll achieve it!

~ Jessica M. ~