

Lorem ipsum has become the industry standard for design mockups and prototypes. By adding a little bit of Latin to a mockup, you’re able to show clients a more complete version of your design without actually having to invest time and effort drafting copy.

Episode 17 – When the Teacher Becomes the Student – How God Leads Us to Relearn When We’re Ready to Teach

In this episode, Anna McLaughlin discusses the concept of being a student and a teacher in the work we do. She encourages listeners to love their work and make changes if necessary.

Episode 16 – Faithfulness is a Transferrable Skill – How Being Faithful in One Space Results in Faithfulness in MANY Spaces

In today's episode, we explore the powerful truth that being faithful in one area of life can positively impact and generalize into other areas.

Episode 15 – The WORST Thing We Can Do … and What Happened When I Did It Last Week!

In this conversation, Anna McLaughlin shares her personal experience of feeling discouraged and overwhelmed in her work and homeschooling journey.

Episode 14 – Tending to What God Gave Us …

Anna McLaughlin discusses the importance of tending to our mind, body, and soul. She shares her personal journey of discovering the connection between physical health and mental well-being.

Episode 13 – Self-Care is NOT a Luxury … or a Dirty Word

In this episode of She Considers A Field, host Anna McLaughlin discusses the concept of self-care as stewardship. She emphasizes that taking care of ourselves is an essential part of our call to stewardship in the kingdom of God.

Episode 12 – Homeschooling With the End in Mind

Anna McLaughlin discusses the concept of homeschooling with the end in mind. She shares her personal journey of homeschooling and the challenges she faced. Anna emphasizes the importance of looking at the big picture and focusing on what we want our children to know and love when they leave the house.

Episode 11 – Restoring Crumbling Foundations

In this episode, Anna McLaughlin invites listeners to take the time to address and heal from past hurts, disappointments, and wounds. She emphasizes the importance of giving oneself permission to rest and unpack these issues rather than pushing them aside and soldiering on

Episode 10 – Faithful in the Gap …

In today's episode, titled "Faithful in the Gap," Anna leads us on a journey of examining our stamina as she invites us to embrace our callings even in the absence of clear confirmation.

Episode 9 – Hierarchy of Covenants – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

In this episode of She Considers A Field, Anna delves into the intricate dynamics of decision-making and boundary-setting through the lens of the Hierarchy of Covenants.

Episode 8 – Five Steps to Stop Feeling Like You’re Working All the Time

Today, we're diving into a topic that's often overlooked but holds tremendous power in refining our entrepreneurial endeavors: office hours.

Episode 7 – Little. Things. Matter.

In this episode, Anna delves into the timeless wisdom of the Scriptures, discovering the profound truth that there are blessings in being faithful in the little things that matter the most.

Episode 6 – Why Start with Why

 Why Start with Why Welcome to another insightful episode of She Considers a Field featuring Anna McLaughlin. Delve into the core philosophy of ...

Episode 5 – Three Steps to Exchange Overwhelm for JOY Today

Anna shares her heart about the importance of exchanging overwhelm for joy and how you can do that today. Friend, it is possible. No matter what. No matter where you are today. He's. Got. You.
Episode 4 – Why We DON’T Walk in Our Purpose, How to Reclaim It

Episode 4 – Why We DON’T Walk in Our Purpose, How to Reclaim It

Drawing inspiration from Galatians 5:22-23 and Philippians 4:11, Anna guides listeners through a journey of exchanging frustration for purpose in the intricate balance of home, business, and faith.
Episode 3 – Three Steps to Walking in God’s Will

Episode 3 – Three Steps to Walking in God’s Will

Sometimes, the path just isn’t clear. Here are three practical steps to staying in the Father’s will, even when you’re not 100% sure what that might be.
Episode 2 – Exchanging Guilt for Peace

Episode 2 – Exchanging Guilt for Peace

We want to give our children ALL that we have. But if we focus on their needs, guilt is the inevitable result. It turns out, God has a higher calling for us - that we would offer all that we have to HIM, which means we may wear many different hats. He’ll equip us … whatever the work is.

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Lorem ipsum has become the industry standard for design mockups and prototypes. By adding a little bit of Latin to a mockup, you’re able to show clients a more complete version of your design without actually having to invest time and effort drafting copy.
